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Charlton Heston & Ben-Hur - A Personal Journey

He went to Rome to make an epic movie that saved a studio and changed his life…

Charlton Heston & Ben-Hur - A Personal Journey

Executive Producer:
Fraser C. Heston

Directed and Produced by
Laurent Bouzereau

Released by
Warner Brothers Home Video

Yakima Canutt giving Fraser and his father a chariot lesson.
Fraser as a young boy watching his father in a scene from BEN HUR.
Charlton and Yak in the chariot
Filming of the Chariot Race, Cine Citá Studios, Rome.
Charlton driving the chariot.
Charlton, Fraser and Jack Hawkins, in costume
Jack Hawkins and Charlton shipwrecked.
Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd with director, William Wyler
Ben Hur, after the race
Triumphant procession
Filming the chariot race
Fraser in the galley with his dad. “Row well and live.”
Two Oscars with Charlton Heston, Susan Hayward, William Wyler and John Wayne
Behind the Scenes: Charlton with Joe Canutt training for the chariot race.
Joe Canutt, Yakima’s son, as Charlton’s stunt double
Charlton taking his wife Lydia on a chariot joy ride.